Electroneurophysiology Technologist
Electroneurophysiology Technologists record electrical activity in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or somatosensory systems using a variety of equipment and techniques. These professionals help doctors diagnose diseases, injuries, and abnormalities. They often work collaboratively with physicians who, in turn, interpret these results. Electroneurophysiology (ENP) focuses on the electrical activity in the brain and nervous system, so the results of these tests help in the diagnosis and care of patients being treated or tested for brain, nerve, and spinal cord conditions. It’s a profession that puts you in contact with patients, so the ideal ENP technologist is one who has exceptional technical and people skills.
ENP technologists spend much of their careers around electronic equipment, so it is ideal for individuals who like technology and this type of work. They may also spend a lot of time on their feet and are required to assist patients during testing to ensure they’re comfortable. An ENP technologist’s work requires a knowledge of working correctly and safely around hazardous materials like radioactive isotopes and various chemicals. ENP technologists are working in New Brunswick’s hospitals, clinics, and labs, interacting with patients daily and helping doctors do their work.