
Dietitians play an active role in New Brunswick’s health regions. They help people across our province make healthy food choices, for a variety of reasons, in a variety of work settings. Dietitians plan, implement, and oversee nutrition and food service programs throughout our province in hospitals, extended care facilities, home healthcare, community health, educational institutions and more. They may also act in a consultation role, advising government or even sports organizations. Dietitians are vital in helping people meet their specific nutritional needs. They monitor patients’ nutritional wellness and our province’s nutritional wellness too.

Dietitians in New Brunswick work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to ensure a patient’s nutritional needs are prioritized and met. As some patients cannot eat normally or on their own, dietitians are essential to quality care delivery. Dietitians have the knowledge and skill to help our healthcare system reach its goal of fostering a healthier population – by working together with other health professionals, policy makers, industry leaders, and educators. They assist our doctors by creating eating plans for patients with complex issues. From research to influencing food-related policy to helping individuals make healthy food choices, New Brunswick’s dietitians are making a difference, in both rural and urban healthcare settings across the province.

Personal characteristics and skills

  • Analytical ability
  • Interest in science, food, and nutrition
  • Good communication skills
  • Genuine interest in helping people
  • Good problem-solving skills

Dietitians in New Brunswick have a variety of important roles, including but not limited to:

  • Assessing individuals’ nutritional status
  • Developing, implementing, and evaluating nutritional interventions and programs
  • Managing food service departments or clinical and community nutrition services
  • Working with individuals, families, consumer groups, and industry to help them apply nutrition principles

The average workweek of a dietitian in New Brunswick varies depending on the work setting you join. Dietitians generally work weekdays but may be on call during weekends in some healthcare settings.

Dietitians may work in a variety of settings, such as:

  • Hospitals and long-term care facilities
  • Clinics and community health units
  • Government agencies
  • Schools, colleges, and universities
  • Food and pharmaceutical industries
  • Private companies

Licensure and certification: must be actively registered and a member in good standing with the New Brunswick Association of Dietitians (NBAD) and successfully complete the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam.

Dietitian education programs offered in New Brunswick: